San Diego Chapter 200 Miles to Lunch Ryde   Leave a comment

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Date(s) - 04/25/2015
7:00 am - 2:00 pm

Cafe 67


200 Miles to Lunch

We will be doing our lunch ryde for members and guests. This is a mixed bike ryde, ALL bikes are welcome.
We will travel roughly 200 miles to a lunch location, eat and then head home, We do this once a month, each with a different destination.
The lunch location could be across the street and it will still be about 200 miles (sometimes less) to get you there….
If you joined us in the past make plans to join us again, these rydes are always fun…We will meet for breakfast: 7:00 AM to 8:00 AM at Café 67 (Corner of 67 and Mapleview in Lakeside)
The Address is: 12381 Mapleview Street, Lakeside, CA 92040
We will depart: 8:00 AM sharp with a full tank of gas!

Breakfast & Lunch is at each ryders expense.

We will be ryding to Escondido (the long way around) for lunch at:
Hacienda De Vega
2608 South Escondido Boulevard,
Escondido, CA 92025

Here is our Route:

We will be stopping on Mt Laguna for a photo op, at Dudley’s for a butt break and at the Pala Casino Gas station to fill the tanks….

Posted April 25, 2015 by SRA National Director in Spyder Ryde

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